12 files found in Library "education: music"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
FRETS11.ZIP Yes 21004 12/8/1993
Frets 1.1 is a guitar chord chart for
beginners which lists chords and the
differences between the various keys: major,
natural, minor, blues, etc. (Nathan Alan
King) (Reg.Fee: $12)
GCHORD.ZIP Yes 61038 4/12/1992
Guitar Chord Dictionary 1.0 is a hypertext
reference of commonly used guitar chords.
(Web-Man) (Reg.Fee: $10)
LISTENUP.ZIP Yes 77284 1/11/1994
ListenUp 3.02 helps improve your sense of
pitch. (Fred Palmer Software) (Reg.Fee: $19)
MMF31.ZIP Yes 91729 10/22/1993
Melissa's Music Flashcards 3.1 provides a
colorful, interactive environment for
children to learn the notes and keys of the
music staff. (Fischer Grafix & Software)
(ASP) (Reg.Fee: $21)
MUSIC_TU.ZIP Yes 196529 5/20/1994
Musical Tutorial 1.1 promotes and encourages
musical study using a graphically oriented
environment. (Ronald Swerdfeger) (ASP)
(Reg.Fee: $28)
NBN.ZIP Yes 130530 2/2/1994
Note by Note is an excellent teaching aid
for musical note recognition. (Applied
MicroSystems, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $70)
PCPT.ZIP Yes 232218 8/24/1993
PC-Piano Teacher is an instruction package
for teaching music. (Data Assist, Inc.)
(Reg.Fee: $29)
POCOPOCO.ZIP Yes 121445 9/27/1993
Poco A Poco 1.0 is designed to teach young
children about melody and rhythm. (Sdymus
Co.) (Reg.Fee: $58)
RECORDER.ZIP Yes 108157 11/22/1993
Recorder Tutor 1.1 teaches you to play a
musical instrument called a Recorder. (Sue
Pardoe) (Reg.Fee: $45)
SHTNOTE.ZIP Yes 35304 6/26/1992
Shoot-the-Notes 1.0 is a game for learning
musical notes. (R.J. Dworsky) (Reg.Fee: $25)
TUNES.ZIP Yes 151815 1/14/1981
Tunes 3.0 teaches traditional guitar and
piano music theory with an audio/visual
approach. (Jeff Dmochowski) (Reg.Fee: $15)
WOLF21.ZIP Yes 236767 4/11/1994
Wolfie's Music Games 2.1 is a collection of
10 games designed to teach children music
notes. (Paul T. Dawson) (Reg.Fee: $10)